
This protocol gives students an opportunity to review what was learned and covered in the previous class.  This can be especially helpful if there has been some distance since the last class (perhaps due to a holiday break) or if there was a lot of new material introduced in the previous lesson.


  1. Have students draw a line to create a right-hand margin on a piece of paper (or ask them to create a 2-column table in a digital document).  Label the right-hand column “Plus 1”.
  2. Instruct students to individually write:
    • 3 key ideas they remember from the last class.
    • 2 things they want to explore.
    • 1 question they still have.
  3. Ask students to form groups of 3-4.
  4. Instruct students to share their ideas one at a time.  As each group member shares, listeners may record personal notes in the right hand “Plus 1” column. 
  5. Ask each of the groups to share out trends.


Adapted from: “The Adaptive School:  Strategies and Moves for Facilitating Groups”.  Thinking Collaborativehttps://www.thinkingcollaborative.com/as-resources

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay