Individual Oral Samples

Below are samples of moderated IB Individual Orals; the marks awarded are in reference to the IB Individual Oral rubric for Languages A. The teaching units for these assessed samples are previewed at the bottom of the post. (Please Note: a premium access membership is required to access these materials.)

Sample A

Non-literary work: Weiden & Kennedy’s Delta Ads
Literary work: Maus by Art Spiegleman

IO Marks A: 10 B: 9 C: 10 D: 10 Overall: 39, IB 7

Sample B

Non-literary work: 13th Documentary
Literary work: Munnu by Malik Sajad

IO Marks A: 10 B: 10 C: 9 D: 9 Overall: 38, IB 7

Sample C

Non-literary work: 13th Documentary
Literary work: Zahra’s Paradise by Amir Soltani and Khalil

IO Marks A: 10 B: 8 C: 9 D: 8 Overall: 35, IB 7

Sample D

Non-literary work: 12 Years a Slave
Literary work: V for Vendetta

IO Marks A: 9 B: 8 C: 9 D: 8 Overall: 34, IB 7

Photo by Craig Pattenaude on Unsplash

Units Features in the Sample Individual Orals

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