Othello, The Moor of Venice

This unit on Othello by William Shakespeare is designed to focus on close reading skills through key passage analysis work and includes prompts to offer a more holistic analysis of the play through questions that engage with the play’s era and genre.
The resources in this unit include:
- An Activity Portfolio
- Formatted Passages for the Activity Portfolio
- Essay Questions
- Sample Essay Responses
- A Quote Test with Key
- Sample Annotated Passages
Teaching Resources (PDF)
Teaching Resources (Word)
A Note about the Resources
The Interactive Journal for this unit contain some activities that reference watching clips from a production of Othello. The production that is referenced in these materials is the one performed at The Globe in 2007. It is available for rent or purchase; the purchase option generously allows you to download the full file without any playback restrictions.
The “Text as a Play” activities in the Interactive Journal specifically reference the Othello (Cambridge School Shakespeare, 3rd edition) text. The activities have not changed drastically from earlier editions, but there may be some slight differences in page number references. For copyright reasons, the activities in the Interactive Journal are referenced but not reproduced.
This is a list of resources that have been consulted in creating these materials.
- Shakespeare, William, and Rex Gibson. Othello (Cambridge School Shakespeare). Edited by Jane Coles et al., 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- Burgess, C. F. “Othello’s Occupation.” Shakespeare Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 2, 1975, pp. 208–213. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/2869251.
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