This unit on The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison is designed to focus on holistic, analysis and evaluation of the work. The activities focus on developing…
- an independent, personal response to the work.
- an interpretation of the ideas and issues raised throughout the work.
- an understanding of the role context may play in appreciating a work.
- an appreciation for and evaluation of broader literary choices made in the work, including narrative structure, narrative perspective, dialogue, dialect (AAVE), and their effects.
- an understanding of the ways in which text juxtaposition can provide new insights and ideas into a work.
- communicating complex ideas through writing.
Teaching Resources
A Note about the Activity Portfolio
- The passage activities contain the first and last line of the passage in addition to the (Kindle) page numbers from which they were extracted.
- There are several resources linked into the Activity Portfolio. If a source is no longer available, please leave a comment in the comment section so that we can find a suitable replacement. There are a few resources that require a subscription to JSTOR to view the full article; these articles may also be available on EbscoHost.
- Each lesson ends with a “Daily Question”; these could easily be used as formative assessment tasks that lead to a summative assessment task where students revisit, revise, and submit one of these pieces of writing for assessment.
- There is no official summative assessment task attached to the unit. The activities in the portfolio prepare students for a holistic assessment of the work (like an out of class or in class essay), a comparative essay, a comparative commentary, or a single text commentary.
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